
Keraloom is part of the traditional culture of the textile industry that has a history of hundreds of years. This culture is part of the Balaramapuram textile industry and was very famous during the royal period. The purpose is to work hard for the revitalization of the weaver community. Keraloom gives priority to improving the living conditions of weavers. The best raw materials are purchased in bulk and handed over to the weavers. In the past, the fabrics produced were bought from wholesalers and sold to consumers with high profits. There, the goods are provided to those in need through a three-level intermediary. This led to a natural increase in prices. In addition, the weavers did not get the wages they deserved. In this case, we, the manufacturer, try to deliver the product directly to the customer. This allows us to provide customers with quality products at the lowest possible price. We can deliver wages and raw materials to the weavers on time. The aim is to protect consumers and producers from exploitation. We have traditionally focused on manufacturing to ensure quality, trust and customer satisfaction. It was inspired by the realization that mainstreaming the weaving community is the responsibility of the new generation, and life is not much better now. We regard online business as a way for customers to view and select traditional online products at home. When purchasing products, its manufacturing method uses online business as a channel to transparently display the quality of raw materials used by labor.